Energy Acronyms

Click here for a list of commonly used Energy Acronyms: Energy Acronyms

Common Energy Acronyms


PSC – New York State Public Service Commission

DPS – New York State Department of Public Service

DEC – New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

FERC – Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


NYISO – New York State Independent System Operator, Inc.

NYSRC – New York State Reliability Council, L.L.C.

NYSERDA – New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

Regulated Utilities

Central Hudson – Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corporation

Con Ed/Con – Edison Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc.

CNG – Corning National Gas Corporation

KEDLI – KeySpan Energy Delivery Long Island

KEDNY – KeySpan Energy Delivery New York

NFG – National Fuel Gas Distribution Corporation

NYSEG – New York State Electric & Gas Corporation

Niagara Mohawk – Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation d/b/a National Grid

O&R – Orange & Rockland Utilities, Inc.

RG&E – Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation

Public Authorities

LIPA – Long Island Power Authority

NYPA – New York Power Authority


IPPNY – Independent Power Producers of New York, Inc.

MI – Multiple Intervenors

NRDC – Natural Resources Defense Council

RESA – Retail Energy Supply Association

SCMC – Small Customer Marketer Coalition

Staff – New York State Department of Public Service Staff

UIT – New York State Department of State Utility Intervention Unit

NYISO Committees and Working Groups

MC – Management Committee

BIC – Business Issues Committee

OC – Operating Committee

ESPWG – Electric System Planning Working Group

ICAP WG – Installed Capacity Working Group

MIWG – Market Issues Working Group

PRLWG – Price Responsive Load Working Group

NYISO Demand Response Programs

DADRP – Day Ahead Demand Response Program

EDRP – Emergency Demand Response Program

SCR – Special Case Resources

Types of NYPA Allocations

EDP – Economic Development Power

EP – Expansion Power

PFJ – Power-for-Jobs

RP – Replacement Power

RNY – Recharge New York Power

General Energy Terms

ALJ – Administrative Law Judge

BOE – brief on exceptions

CTC – Competitive Transition Charge (Niagara Mohawk’s stranded costs)

DG – distributed generation

ESCO – energy services company (marketer)

EEPS – Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard

ICAP – installed capacity

IRM – installed reserve margin

kW – kilowatt (measure of demand)

kWh – kilowatt-hour (measure of energy)

LBMP – location-based marginal pricing (NYISO’s energy pricing model)

MW – megawatt (1,000 kW)

MWh – megawatt-hour (1,000 kWh)

NBC – non-bypassable charge

NYCRR – New York Code of Rules and Regulations (PSC’s regs. in Part 16)

OATT – Open Access Transmission Tariff

O&M – operation and maintenance

OSG – on-site generation

PSL – New York Public Service Law

RD – Recommended Decision (issued by ALJ)

RDM – revenue decoupling mechanism

ROE – return on equity (measure of utility’s profit)

ROS – Rest-of-State region (NYISO – for ICAP purposes)

RPS – Renewable Portfolio Standard

RTP – real-time pricing

SAPA – State Administrative Procedures Act

SBC – System Benefits Charge

S.C. – Service Classification No.

SIR – site investigation and remediation

T&D – transmission and distribution